Burton and Ralene Walls Distinguished Speaker Series


Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 12 p.m.–1:30 p.m.


Speaker: Romanita海尔斯顿, Chief Executive 办公室r, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust

Empowering Human Flourishing: The Importance of Tri-Sector Solutions For The Common Good


今年, the annual Burton and Ralene Walls Distinguished Speaker Series Luncheon features Romanita海尔斯顿 who will present Empowering Human Flourishing: The Importance of Tri-Sector Solutions For The Common Good. This is our 21th year of introducing outstanding business leaders to our students.

As Chief Executive 办公室r, Romanita oversees all activities of the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust. An accomplished team builder, 召集人, 和领袖, Romanita draws on more than two decades of  experience and service in her leadership and stewardship of the foundation’s mission. This includes work in the nonprofit (World Vision), for profit (Microsoft), and philanthropic (Murdock Trust) sectors alongside a consistent commitment to board service (Candid, 全球妇女, 印度合作伙伴, 城市联盟, 城市的影响, 有需要的孩子, and Impact Latin America) born out of a desire to engage in her highest and best use. A graduate of the University of Washington, Romanita earned her MBA from Eastern University (Philadelphia).

Sponsorship provided by the Burton and Ralene Walls Distinguished Speaker Series Endowment

The Burton and Ralene Walls Distinguished Speaker Series brings a prominent national or regional leader to the SPU School of Business, 政府, and 经济学 (SBGE) each year. 通过这个项目, 决策者, 冒险者, 和领袖s of the national and regional corporate world share their personal experiences and philosophies, while students and faculty members receive real-world insights into issues they regularly approach in the classroom.

This endowment was established with 西雅图 Pacific University in 2013 to further the entrepreneurial spirit and knowledge of SPU students. Burton Walls is an alumnus of SPU with a major in business. His uncle, Paul Walls, served SPU as a member of the Board of Trustees for 31 years. 他的父亲F. 韦斯利墙, also served SPU with distinction for 38 years in various capacities, including founding director of the School of Business. Burton and Ralene are longtime supporters of SPU.
