
Diapers and Skin Cream Claim Top Prizes at Eleventh Annual SVPC Showcase

网易彩票app每天使用的东西可以带来很大的不同. So said the aspiring entrepreneurs competing in the Eleventh Annual 社会创业计划比赛 (SVPC)在网易彩票下载. Several of the winning projects used household products – or byproducts – in new and imaginative ways. 展示活动, 年度SVPC的最后一场, 星期四在西雅图州立大学校园里举行的, 4月20日, 2017.


最重要的项目是 MycoVate解决方案 被选为价值5000美元的赫伯特. Jones Grand Prize winner by the combined votes of more than 75 judges representing the business, 非营利性的, 学术及专业团体. 塞拉姆 获得了第二名,赢得了3000美元的亚军. 超过350名学生, 教师, staff and guests voted for their favorite project of the afternoon and the Donald B. Summers People’s Choice award of $1000 was also given to 塞拉姆.

In the United States, disposable diapers are the third largest solid waste product, creating over 3.5百万吨未回收的废物和3.每年排放2500万吨温室气体. MycoVate解决方案 会收集和消毒一次性尿布吗, converting them to substrate to produce mushrooms and high-quality compost. 的 mushrooms would then be ground into a powdered protein source for pet food. 的 MycoVate解决方案 team included Tasia Baldwin, Rebecca Ewing, Remy Hudson and Tamarah Lee. All are students in SPU’s one-year Master of Arts in Management with an emphasis in Social and Sustainable Management (MAM-SSM)项目.


Over 600 million people worldwide are affected by malaria. 的 塞拉姆 team has developed a skin lotion that serves as a natural mosquito repellant for up to six hours. 的 product would be manufactured and sold in Hawassa, 埃塞俄比亚, 疟疾高发地区疟疾高发地区. 的 塞拉姆 团队由大四学生Rahel Gaguro组成, 阿比盖尔詹森, Tsion McNichols and Tara Rasing and juniors Deanna Hines and Madison Dierickx. 他们都是全球发展研究专业的学生.

Three Honorable Mention prizes of $2000 were also awarded:


变更注册 would launch a mobile phone app that would allow donors to quickly and repeatedly give small amounts to charities of their choice; these gifts would then be delivered at regular intervals as lump sum donations. 变更注册 was the work of senior Accounting major Jannessa Dyk, senior Marketing and Graphic Design major Cali Carpenter and senior Business majors Jordan Hepton, Bonna Ndiaye和Mike Zucker, 都来自西北拿撒勒大学.


GroundUp would collect used coffee grounds from local cafes and convert it into a soil amendment for purchase by local organic farms. 的 GroundUp team included Kathleen Briggs, David Corby, Johanna Sanchez and Fallon Schneider. 这四个人都是一年级的学生 MAM-SSM 研究生项目. 


品味 & Sip would develop a mobile phone app that would empower and inform socially and environmentally conscious consumers to choose local restaurants and support healthy neighborhoods. 品味 & Sip was written and presented by junior Global Development major Ashley Barnett, senior Global Development majors Serena Kaveney and Jessinia Ruff, 工商管理专业大三学生Allison Pincus, sophomore Business Administration major Crystal Sierra and senior Computer Science major Matt Hall.


这是连续第四年了, SPU与Urban Impact合作, a faith-based 非营利性的 in Seattle’s Rainier Valley neighborhood. Teams presenting projects focused on making a difference in the Rainier Valley were eligible for a separate $500 prize. 这个奖项的得主是 学院升级.

学院升级 would offer technology education to youth in the Rainier Valley through coding classes offered on a mobile bus that could be converted to a gaming arcade for event rentals. 学院升级 was developed by senior Global Development Studies majors Trisha White (pictured) and Ginger York and sophomore Political Science major Michael Hamilton.

学院升级 will also participate in a follow-on event entitled Sharks at the Beach. This “Shark Tank”-style evening will be hosted by Urban Impact at Emerald City Bible Fellowship, 4月27日Rainer Ave S 7728号, 2017年下午6:30.m. 除了SPU项目, several Rainier Valley-based entrepreneurs will pitch their ideas in front of a panel of community experts and a live audience. 活动在下午6:30开始.m. 一直持续到晚上九点左右.m. 并设有单独的奖项.

This is the eleventh year of SPU’s 社会创业计划比赛. 25 teams presented at the Showcase event, comprising approximately 90 students. 除了SPU项目,还有两个来自 西北拿撒勒大学 in Nampa, Idaho made the trip to Seattle to pitch at the Showcase. 除了75多名社区法官, 超过500名学生, 教师 and staff voted in the People’s Choice balloting.

的 Showcase Round was the final leg of the 社会创业计划比赛. Earlier stages in the competition included a series of seminars on the basics of business planning, scoring of the teams’ written business plans and coaching sessions with knowledgeable businesspeople, community leaders and other professionals about the students’ venture proposals. In all, more than 150 community volunteers gave time as readers, instructors, coaches and judges.

第一位法官是琼·奥布莱恩, Pavot Bleu, 有限责任公司, a media consulting and production firm noted: “的 students were so enthusiastic and well prepared. 的 hardest part of the day was selecting just a few [teams] to distribute my award points to and I know I wasn't alone. It's lovely to know that SPU is turning out a group of seniors who have spent the last few months of their undergraduate work concentrating on creative ways to help their communities and the world. 这真的是一件好事, better world if more people spent more time following the example of your students.”

Megan Karch, CEO of local social enterprise FareStart also served as a judge. “我印象深刻,深受启发!”她说。.


Financial sponsors of the SVPC include the Herbert B. 琼斯的基础, 斯科特和凯瑟琳·康明斯家庭基金会, 先锋人力服务, 费舍尔管道, MiiR, Bellmont机柜和技能, 公司. 比赛是由 应用学习中心 (CAL) in the 商学院,政府, and 经济学 (SBGE) at SPU.