
Solar Powered Devices and Farming Hot Topics at Twelfth Annual SVPC Showcase

在西雅图四月的一个雨天, the aspiring entrepreneurs at the Twelfth Annual 社会创业计划比赛 (SVPC) at 网易彩票下载 were all about sunshine. Several of the top projects featured solar powered devices or involved improving the lives of farmers – or both! 展示活动, 年度SVPC的最后一场, 星期四在西雅图州立大学校园里举行的, 4月12日, 2018.


最重要的项目是 Itheno被选为价值5000美元的赫伯特. Jones Grand Prize winner by the combined votes of more than 80 judges representing the business, 非营利性的, 学术和专业团体. Solairo计划 获得了第二名,赢得了3000美元的亚军. Almost 400 students, faculty, staff and guests voted for their favorite project, and the Donald B. 萨默斯人民选择奖1000美元也被授予 Solairo计划.

Dakshin Dinajpur的农民, 印度, commonly burn the rice stubble in their fields before planting the next crop. Itheno has developed a process that would take that unused rice stubble and, 通过一种独特的化学过程, turn this waste product into two usable outputs: bioethanol and fertilizer. Farmers would pay a subscription fee to have their rice stubble removed and get bioethanol for household and farm use in return. 化肥和多余的燃料将被出售以获取利润. 的 Itheno team included junior Global Development Studies major Cheyenne Thornton, senior Global Development Studies major Kristina Brennan and senior Exercise Science and Global Development Studies double-major Naomi Miller.


的 UN estimates that the average refugee today will find him or herself displaced for 17 years. 然而, refugee camps are designed to be temporary despite the fact that, 对于许多, 这些不仅仅是短期的避难所,而是真正的家. Solairo计划 has developed a low cost, solar-powered heating and cooling system for use in refugee camps. By selling this product to recreational campers and others in the US, 该团队认为他们可以资助国外的设备, selling them at a greatly reduced cost to relief organizations already in places such as the Za’Atari Refugee Camp in Jordan. Solairo计划 team was comprised of senior 经济学 and Global Development Studies major David McCordic, 高级工商管理专业杰弗里·彼得森, 以及高级工程专业的Garrett Berkey, 路加福音乔治, Natalie Holmstedt和Daniel Houser.



翡翠城合作社 would offer a commercial kitchen-cleaning service in an employee-owned business staffed by those who currently are experiencing or recently have experienced homelessness. 翡翠城合作社 was the work of Monique Etienne-Innes, Amy Villanueva, Chris Wells, and Edouard Stenger. All are Sustainable Management MBA students from the Presidio Graduate School.


Rebosar would offer financing and installation of solar-powered water pumps to farmers in Michoacán, 墨西哥, allowing them to grow crops during the dry season by tapping into the existing aquifer. 的 Rebosar team was comprised of senior Global Development Studies major Stephanie Murray and junior Global Development Studies major Alexia Estrada.


RoboSolutions wants to reduce the incidence of deadly accidents on road construction sites by introducing the FlaggerBot, 远程控制机器人交通管理解决方案. RoboSolutions was written and presented by sophomore Computer Science majors Trent Hashimoto, 伊丽莎白·迈尔斯和钱德勒·史蒂文斯, junior Electrical Engineering major Brianna Christiansen and junior Business Administration major Ben George.


这是连续第五年了, SPU与Urban Impact合作, a faith-based 非营利性的 in Seattle’s Rainier Valley neighborhood. Teams presenting projects focused on making a difference in the Rainier Valley were eligible for a separate $500 prize. 这个奖项的得主是 CHOMP.

CHOMP would operate a mobile food truck that would bring the flavors of various cuisines from the Rainier Valley to the University District in Seattle. CHOMP was developed by senior Global Development Studies major Bethanie Mazengia along with five students from the University of Washington: Environmental Science and Resource Management major Esaac Mazengia, 生物学专业的Shah Yousuf, 电气工程专业的Amulya Strethsa, Business Marketing major Abiel Zewolday and Business Accounting major Brooke McKinnon.

CHOMP will also participate in a follow-on event entitled Sharks at the Beach. This “Shark Tank”-style evening will be hosted by Urban Impact at Emerald City Bible Fellowship, 4月26日Rainer Ave S 7728号, 2018. 除了SPU项目, several Rainier Valley-based entrepreneurs will pitch their ideas in front of a panel of community experts and a live audience. 活动下午6点开始.m. 一直持续到晚上8点半左右.m. 并设有单独的奖项.

This is the twelfth year of SPU’s 社会创业计划比赛. Eighteen teams presented at the Showcase event, comprising approximately 70 students. 除了SPU项目, two teams from the Presidio Graduate School competed and several teams were made up of both SPU and University of Washington students. 此外还有80多名社区法官, 近400名学生, 教职员工在人民选择投票中投票.

的 Showcase Round was the final leg of the 社会创业计划比赛. Earlier stages in the competition included a series of seminars on the basics of business plan writing, 对团队的书面商业计划进行评分, 以及与知识渊博的商人进行培训, 非营利性的 executives and others about the student’s venture proposals. In all, more than 150 community volunteers gave time as readers, instructors, coaches and judges.

Becki Johnson, a retired banking executive and long-time SVPC volunteer reader noted, “I am so impressed with the Social Venture work and with the students. It is such a special program and, while the projects themselves are very different . . . 他们都有自己独特的热情和激情. [这是]如此的快乐与和平 . . . 知道网易彩票app未来的世界在好的人手中.”

First time Showcase Judge Christian Burnham of 先锋人力服务, commented: “这太酷了! 激烈的竞争,优秀的学生和美好的未来! 我非常喜欢参与.”

SVPC的财政赞助者包括赫伯特. 琼斯的基础, 斯科特和凯瑟琳·康明斯家庭基金会, 先锋人力服务, 费舍尔管道, Bellmont橱柜, MiiR, 西北中心, 和技能, 公司. 的 competition is managed by the 应用学习中心 (CAL) in the 商学院,政府, 和经济学(SBGE).